
Future of Work, Relationships

103 Examples of Workplace Recognition to Boost Employee Engagement

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HR Managers and Directors understand employee recognition is one of the most important areas to keep up with in the workplace. Employee recognition can help with many companies’ greatest concerns such as diversity and inclusion and employee motivation. Most of all, employee recognition feeds employee engagement, which leads to increased happiness.

Employee Recognition Ideas To Boost Workplace Engagement

Despite the essential nature of recognition, it tends to get forgotten during busy or otherwise stressful times. That’s why we created this guide with over 100 employee recognition examples! Browse our list broken up by topic area to learn how to appreciate your employees for various reasons such as a successful presentation, stellar performance, and more. Get inspired, go forth, and share some of these employee recognition ideas with others in your company!

Table of Contents: Recognition by Topic Area

Recognition for Hard Work

Let industrious employees know how much you appreciate them. Use one of these 22 examples to reward employees with recognition. We outline different things you can say to recognize employees for their work. Simple comments like these can improve employee morale significantly! 

  1. Your results speak for themselves. You put in the hard work, and you succeeded as a result.
  2. The pride you take in your work inspires us all to work harder and do better.
  3. Your dedication to seeing everything through to the finish is incomparable and made the difference in getting us to the finish line.
  4. You bring energy to even the most mundane of projects and tasks. The whole group benefits as a result of your passion.
  5. I never cease to be impressed by your work and your work ethic. Thank you for the leadership you provide within the team through your example.
  6. The work you have done so far has been amazing. Keep pushing forward. We are almost there!
  7. You always make my job easy. I never have to be concerned about the quality of work you complete. It’s always excellent the first time, every time.
  8. I’ve given you a tremendous amount of work these past few weeks and you have come through as I knew you would. You have proved, yet again, that my faith in your abilities is not misplaced.
  9. I both recognize and appreciate your incredibly dedicated efforts on the project. We are making great progress because of your dedication.
  10. It’s amazing how you find ways to overcome any obstacle on your path to success. You simply find a way to work harder and you overcome challenges as a result.
  11. Thank you for volunteering and taking on more work when your plate was already full. You never stray away from responsibility or hard work.
  12. The amount of positive feedback I get on your performance is amazing –– you guide the way for us all.
  13. Thanks so much for being there when I needed the help –– the project wouldn’t have come together had you not provided that missing piece.
  14. You have a true commitment to quality that shines through everything you do. I know it does not happen without hard work and I am grateful for it.
  15. Your self-motivation and dedication to the quality and integrity of our work inspires us all to do more.
  16. Keep up the great work. What you are doing is really paying off!
  17. Wow! What’s your secret? You get done more in a day than most do in a week!
  18. I’m not sure how this place ever functioned without you! I’m so glad to have you on the team!
  19. We couldn’t have completed that project without your ingenuity and industrious spirit.  I can’t tell you how grateful I am to have you on our team and can’t wait for the next project we can crush together!
  20. Thank you for your initiative on the project. Your dedication to not only get it going but see it through to the end made the whole effort an unqualified success.
  21. You always find a way to get it done and done well! I always know it will go well if we have you as part of the mix.
  22. I’ve decided I don’t think there is anything you can’t do. It certainly doesn’t matter what we throw at you –– you come through!

These employee recognition examples are a great jumping off point for complimenting your employees on their work. Don’t let hard work go unnoticed!


Recognition for Achievements

Employees in your workplace with stellar performance? Maybe they completed their degree program or finished a major project. Trust us when we say they will appreciate the employee recognition more than you realize. Recognize them with one of these 16 ideas to promote employee engagement in your workplace. 

  1. You are a winner and I love being along for the ride! I knew that you could do it. A big congratulations on graduating. I can’t wait to see what you’ll do next!
  2. I knew you would get the certification! I know a lot of work went into making it look easy.
  3. Congratulations on passing –– and the first time too! You inspire me and the whole department with your dedication to improving yourself.
  4. I saw you putting in the extra hours and now they have paid off with this promotion. You showed that getting to the top is not done in an elevator but by climbing all the steps.
  5. Congratulations for being recognized by management!
  6. Thanks for the extra effort with that client –– your work made the whole company look good. I know we would not have retained the client without you.
  7. Way to make it happen! Your efforts haven’t gone unnoticed.
  8. Your preparation on the project made all the difference in the world. Coming in on time and on budget was not luck but the result of your careful planning.
  9. This latest release is OUTSTANDING! Congratulations for getting to the finish line. The design is gorgeous and intuitive.
  10. The new model you built is incredible. I know that an enormous amount of thought went into putting it together, and the whole firm will benefit as a result.
  11. Congratulations on your work anniversary. When I look around the company I see your fingerprints everywhere, and we are all the better for it.
  12. The new website is amazing! We all love it and it really shows off our brand just as we wanted it to. I know there were a lot of moving parts to get us to where we are, and I’m impressed it all went so well.
  13. Great work on the company retreat. So many details had to be attended to and the whole thing went off without a hitch. We all learned so much and had a good time.
  14. Congratulations on a successful conversion of our healthcare plan. I know that it required countless hours of effort and an enormous attention to detail. I want you to know that we all greatly appreciate the fact that you look after us so well.
  15. I can’t believe we survived the conversion! New systems are daunting but you took on the project and ensured we were all prepared, and I am grateful that we had you running it all. Well done!
  16. Our latest campaign is fun and inspiring and makes me proud to talk to friends, family and colleagues about our company. Your creative designs and clever messaging really take us to the next level!

Achievements deserve recognition, especially when hard work is put into them. Show your employees you see their efforts with these employee recognition ideas. 

Recognition for Presentations

Presentations can be nerve-wracking! Not everyone likes to speak in front of a crowd. Not to mention, presentations typically take hours of work to put together. Use one of these 8 employee recognition examples to praise employee presenters. 

  1. The presentation was spot-on! The client loved it and your work really made the whole company look good. Thank you for the hard work that went into not just the content but rehearsing to ensure that the delivery was perfect.
  2. You totally crushed it! The presentation was an unqualified success. I know you put in the hours and it shows.
  3. You burned the midnight oil to pull that presentation together and the results speak for themselves.
  4. You have more than earned this opportunity and you demonstrated it in the meeting. You utterly commanded that room. I felt proud to be part of your team!
  5. You put in the two things that this presentation needed to succeed –– time and attention to detail. Then you went in front of a less-than-friendly crowd and nailed it. Way to go!
  6. You take creativity to a new whole new level. The presentation and all the materials were super engaging.
  7. Your presentation to the company got us excited to be part of this great organization all over again! Thanks for allowing us to come out of our everyday work to be inspired by what we do.
  8. You brought that whole room together with your inspiring story and passionate words. I was grateful to be part of the audience.

Use these employee recognition examples for after their presentation to show your genuine appreciation. Your employee will feel proud of their success and use the confidence to continue producing high-quality work.

employee recognition examples

Recognition for Sales

Have a sales team in need of some appreciation? Sales are what drive any company. Don’t forget to recognize hard working employees in the sales department. Here are 10 awesome employee engagement ideas to jumpstart their motivation

  1. You have a unique ability to identify and capitalize on opportunity. Congrats on the sale!
  2. Congratulations on blasting through your numbers for the quarter. I’m not surprised, but I have to admit, I’m still impressed!
  3. Nice job landing the account! I know you’ve been working on it for months, and your hard work and perseverance paid off. The client loves you and it shows.
  4. Your numbers inspire us all! Keep up the great work.
  5. Your insight was spot on and the client obviously agreed. Thanks for sealing the deal.
  6. When others were ready to admit defeat, you refused to fail which led to our ultimate success. We are fortunate to have someone who not only perseveres but is creative and innovative in sales.
  7. You turn even the most unlikely of prospects into a fantastic client! Way to make it happen when no one else thought it could be done.
  8. Whoa! Those numbers are incredible. I know there is a tremendous amount of hard work both inside and outside the office that went into them. Way to bring the company up a notch! You are setting a new standard for us all.
  9. Congratulations on your first sale! I’m sure this is just the first of many!
  10. I’m completely blown away by your performance at the sales conference this month. 

These 10 employee recognition examples for the sales team can be used to boost employee morale and engagement. In fact, according to employee engagement statistics found on HubSpot, 69% of employees say that they would work harder if their bosses appreciated their efforts more.

employee recognition examples

Recognition for Teamwork

Looking to keep your team’s morale up with employee recognition? Try one of these 15 examples of positive employee feedback to appreciate the teamwork being shown at your company. 

  1. Your ability to work well with absolutely everyone is a very rare quality, and I am grateful that you chose to work with us and bring that to the company. 
  2. I can’t believe how fortunate I am to work with you. I always know that you will have my back and any part of the job you handle will be a success.
  3. Way to make an impression on the team with your incredible work ethic and ability to bring them all together!
  4. Having you on the team makes a huge difference. We all know we can get there with your support.
  5. It’s amazing how you are always available to get others and especially new employees up to speed.
  6. I’m always impressed how you treat everyone with the same respect and positive attitude. You genuinely embody the company’s spirit and our core values in everything you do and you inspire us all to do the same!
  7. No matter the task or the project, you see it through from beginning to end, and you make sure everyone does their part.
  8. Our success is due in no small part to your contributions.
  9. Your winner’s attitude is contagious, and the whole team is benefiting from it.
  10. Your efforts to lead and strengthen our culture do not go unnoticed! It is not easy to approach each day with the positive attitude you bring.
  11. Thanks for leading the charge for good vibes within the team and the company.
  12. I can count on you to ensure the team is working together well.
  13. Not a day goes by that I am not grateful to have you and your consistent quality on our team.
  14. Not only did you step in to help when your coworker was out, you did it without a fuss and things ran incredibly smoothly. I know you only made it look easy. 
  15. Taking on any new task at work is always daunting, but I have confidence when I know you are on my team.
  16. Thanks for being there for me today. You’re the best teammate a person could hope for!

Promote employee retention with these simple employee recognition examples. A little effort to appreciate others goes a long way in the workplace. According to The Muse, highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave their place of work, compared to disengaged employees.

Recognition for Kindness

Trying to grow your workplace friendships? Connect with one of these 12 employee recognition ideas. Kindness often goes unrecognized in the workplace, but its effects are monumental. Appreciate employees who go above and beyond to show kindness to others.

  1. Thanks so much for making me feel better today. You’re a great coworker (and cheerleader.)
  2. You consistently go the extra mile for not just work but your co-workers. It’s impressive and inspiring.
  3. I count myself lucky to work in an office with such a caring person. You’re simply the best!
  4. Thanks so much for covering for me when my wife had surgery. It meant the world to me to be there for her while not worrying about what was going on back at work.
  5. Thanks for letting them know what I did for the project. You didn’t have to share the credit, but you generously did and I am very grateful for it.
  6. I wanted to say thank you for all you did to help me get promoted. Your spirit of fair play and teamwork makes this company great.
  7. I’m very grateful for the role you play in supporting me to be my best; it is genuinely appreciated.
  8. I love all of the projects I’ve been getting to work on with you. Thanks for your invaluable input and for always pushing me to be the best I can be.
  9. Thanks so much for taking over my projects and my clients while I was out. I can’t believe how well everything is going. I really owe you one!
  10. Thank you for getting my computer back up and running so quickly! You are a total life saver.
  11. Your ability to connect with people is something that can’t be taught. Thanks for finding a way to connect with each and every new hire so they can feel instantly comfortable and start bringing their best to the table right away.
  12. Thanks for the pep talk! I feel so much better about our next steps and how I can move forward and make it all work. I’m fortunate to have your guidance.

Show kindness to those who have shown it to you by applying these employee appreciation ideas in your office.

employee recognition examples

Recognition for a Mentor

Want to recognize your boss or other work mentors? Mentors play very important roles in the development of other employees. Show your appreciation with these 20 employee recognition ideas for mentors.

  1. Thank you for creating a positive environment within our department. 
  2. I’m always impressed how you treat the team with such high respect. This makes us all rise to the occasion because we know we are valued, so we want to bring our very best.
  3. Your healthy perspective on what is truly important inspires all of us.
  4. You don’t just support us in work ––  you make us feel like we matter. It’s hard to find that quality in anyone, let alone a manager!
  5. As a leader you make us all feel secure, but as a person, you make us all feel understood. The combination makes you a truly exceptional leader.
  6. You have set the bar incredibly high for any boss or supervisor I may have in the future. I always know I can bring any situation to you and you will take the time to help me find the best solution.
  7. You’re an inspiration to this team. Your leadership and vision are rare, and I always trust that you’ll guide us in the right direction.
  8. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to work with and learn from you every day.
  9. Your personal commitment to excellence inspires others to fulfill a greater potential than they even knew they had.  
  10. Thank you for reminding us all to stop and enjoy the little things –– even while we push hard to meet our goals.
  11. Your ability to listen creates an environment where people feel respected and are empowered to help each other.
  12. We always know that your motivations are entirely to achieve what is best for us and for the company. That is a rare quality.
  13. Your approach to exemplary work is second to none. Much of our success is due to your dedication, skill, and hard work. I appreciate your time and all the things you do to keep everything running smoothly. 
  14. Your support of our lives outside of the office makes this company a different place to work than any other I know.
  15. Thank you for turning your unique perspective into a vision that we can all support and work toward. I’m so proud to be part of this journey with you!
  16. When others rush into new ventures, your careful assessment of the whole situation makes our work superior.
  17. As Simon Sinek says, “A boss has the title, a leader has the people.” Thanks for being our leader.
  18. I’ve grown so much over the past year and much is thanks to you and your efforts to get me there. I can’t wait to see where the next year will take me. Thanks for being such a great leader and a great boss.
  19. I’m grateful for you pushing me to do more because I would not be where I am today in my career without it.
  20. You have my immense thanks for all of the support you’ve given me. Your guidance and encouragement have helped me get to where I am today. Working with you is truly a pleasure.

Recognize mentors’ work in growing co-workers by giving them verbal appreciation. Everyone loves the feeling they get when a superior compliments them on their efforts at work –– mentors included.

Improving Employee Engagement – outside of Recognition

Workplace recognition is valuable, no matter how it is executed. Taking time to share your appreciation for a colleague can make a strong impact on improving workplace relationships, and will help you to work better together in the future.

If your team is struggling with employee engagement (as so many remote and hybrid companies are today), there are other strategies you can try to solve for this disconnect. Start with your daily virtual meetings, and the platform you’re using. Chances are, your virtual meetings are often filled with a sea of silent gray boxes. Who knows what your employees are doing back there, or what they’re paying attention to?

Scoot is a new kind of virtual meeting platform designed to help remote and hybrid teams build stronger relationships. Attendees can move around the virtual room, from one conversation to the next, just like you would in real life. This social agency adds movement and mingling to the virtual world, which helps to keep employees engaged, so they can build better relationships.

103 Examples of Workplace Recognition to Boost Employee Engagement Laptop Fall Halloween
103 Examples of Workplace Recognition to Boost Employee Engagement Laptop Fall Halloween 6

If your team is suffering from Zoom fatigue, and you would like to break out of the static, silent black boxes for your next meeting, check out the Scoot platform. Or contact us to schedule a demo.

103 Examples of Workplace Recognition to Boost Employee Engagement CTA Build Healthier Relationships with Scoot 1
103 Examples of Workplace Recognition to Boost Employee Engagement CTA Build Healthier Relationships with Scoot 1 7

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