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Your virtual meetings and insights protected using enterprise security standards

You’re safe with us—we employ top enterprise-grade security measures across all aspects of online interaction. 

Your virtual meetings and insights protected using enterprise security standards

Committed to your data’s privacy

Most large virtual meetings in the past have been hosted on webinar platforms, broadcast platforms, or virtual event platforms. These are essentially one-to-many experiences, where content is delivered on an individual basis from a central hub to one person at a time. There is almost no interaction among attendees.

soc 2 certification illustration
SOC 2 Type 2 Compliant

We’re certified by experts to confirm that we're following proper protocols for keeping your data safe.

periodic Security illustration
Periodic Penetration Testing

We regularly check for vulnerabilities through testing to fix them before anyone else can find them.

4 Pillars of GDPR illustration
GDPR-Compliant Design

We meticulously designed and architected our software to pass the most stringent privacy and security standards.

scoot and aws security
World Class Application Security

We’re extremely focused on guaranteeing things remain secure—this includes encrypting your data, making sure our applications are safe, and keeping a keen eye on everything. We also partner with Amazon Web Services (AWS) to handle physical facilities, hardware, networking, and virtualization platform security.

Certificates and credentials

AICPA SOC 2 logo
SOC 2 Type II
GDPR certification
GDPR - General Data
ccpa compliance certification seal
CCPA - California Consumer

Protection Regulation

Captivate customers and accelerate sales.

Try our experiential meeting and webinar platform. You might just be amazed.

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