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Unlock magic by integrating your data with Scoot

Pull data from your CRM, HRIS, or enterprise directory to elevate your Scoot experience. Gain real-time insights on attendees, automate room entry, strategically group or visually distinguish attendees based on data, and unlock a host of possibilities by harnessing external data.

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Effortlessly leverage your data 

Scoot comes pre-configured with special connectors to ensure that tying into the APIs of your favorite systems is easy, secure, and reliable.

effortlessly leverage your data
effortlessly leverage your data in mobile view

Utilize enterprise-grade security measures

SSO Integration

Create audience galleries based on who you wish to observe during your presentation, from specific office departments to client VIPs. 

sso integration

Engage with audiences of any size 

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Integrations with workday and successfactors

SAP SucessFactors

enterprise Integrations
Enterprise Directories

Microsoft Active Directory
Azure Active Directory

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eCDN (Enterprise Content Delivery Networks)


Directly sync your external calendars

Calendar Integration

Keep your workflow moving smoothly and invite people to a Scoot event directly from Microsoft Outlook or Google Calendar..

calendar events thumbnail

Set Scoot as your point solution for other event platforms

Platform Integration

Integrate Scoot into the ecosystem of third party enterprise event platforms you already work with like 6Connex, Hubilo, Hopin, Swoogo, and vFairs.

Integrations illustration

Don’t just meet. Scoot. 

Try out our innovative virtual meeting platform and ultra-engaging features for yourself.

Don’t just meet thumbnail
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