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Transforming the way we meet virtually

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Globally trusted by top innovators
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Social Presence® TECHNOLOGY

Interact with others online like in real life

Move and mingle through virtual spaces to be authentically present and strike up spontaneous conversations. With our patented Social Presence® Technology, people come together naturally, building stronger relationships and getting more
business done.

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Leverage enterprise-wide data in your meetings

Leverage enterprise-wide data in your meetings

Maximize your time wisely by easily leveraging data from your meeting attendees. With visual identifiers and conditional data viewing, you can accurately sort participants in your Scootaverse so they connect better. 


Engage authentically with audiences of all sizes

Large meetings have never been easier to host. Feed on audience energy by hearing their applause, gauge reactions from participants that matter, and present to small groups or rooms across your entire Scoootaverse.

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Customize your meetings for memorable, immersive experiences

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Access premium music selections, in-room objects, and meeting room feature controls to set the mood, reinforce your brand, and fully engage participants.


Host events for both virtual and in-person attendees seamlessly

Remove barriers between your in-person and online attendees by designating a fixed Scootaverse location for onsite participants so no one gets left out. 

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product analytics

Gather deep insights on every aspect of a meeting

Track important facts such as engagement trends, attendance, and networking insights.

Record group conversations and breakout discussions to capture rich, contextual data that help accelerate business and grow sales.

Leverage AI summaries to gain deep customer and market insights

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“Scoot brings people together.
The experience of the meeting is ten times better.”

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Gary Morsches


Other benefits

Make the most out of your virtual meetings


Integrate Scoot with your single sign-on provider so users don’t need to independently sign into our platform.

Device Agnostic

Fire up a Scoot meeting from most web browsers or mobile devices, or natively from an Apple iPhone or iPad.


Enjoy peace of mind with our security-first approach to software design, reducing external vulnerabilities through customer data encryption, application-level security, security event logging, and monitoring, while ensuring service uptime. Plus, Amazon Web Services (AWS), our cloud infrastructure provider, oversees physical facilities, hardware, networking, and virtualization platform security.

Don’t just meet. Scoot. 

Try out our innovative virtual meeting platform and ultra-engaging features for yourself.

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