
BI Worldwide for IBM Networking with Scoot

BI Worldwide for IBM Networking with Scoot

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Hosting virtual events for IBM, BI Worldwide sought a lively networking platform. With Zoom, individual discussions resembled physical group chats, causing most participants to remain silent.


Transitioning to Scoot uplifted IBM’s event participation. Attendees now fluidly shift between conversations, reminiscent of real-world interactions. Hiring hosts to initiate chats further boosted engagement. Plans now include Scoot-based presentations and expanding this approach to other clients.


Implementing Scoot revived the vibrancy of in-person networking in IBM’s virtual events. It enabled dynamic, seamless transitions between diverse discussions and significantly increased participant interaction. As Michelle Hepburn, a Senior Event Producer, said, “Scoot offers a refreshing change from static virtual spaces. The mobility and interactive nature have won our guests over, making events fun and engaging – something Zoom couldn’t achieve.”



Increased Positive Engagement Feedback Employees Joined More Than One Conversation Cameras and Microphones On

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